Participant: Kerie Anne A. Basilio
Major/Year Level: General Education - 4th Year
School: Holy Angel University
Title of Training Attended: The Effective Teacher: The First Days of School
Place and Date/s: PGN 104 - June 25, 2018
Training Organization/Institution: Association of General Education Students
One of the topics that was discussed is about the four stages of teaching. The first stage is fantasy, to be a successful teacher they need to relate or to be friends with their students. The second stage is survival, relying ineffectiveness just to make it through the day. To be followed by the third stage mastery, knows how to manage the classroom and has high expectations for their student. The last stage is impact, to be an effective teacher you make a difference to the lives of your students. It was also mentioned that "your success during the school year will be determined by what you do on the first days of school", for me it means that what happens on the first days of school will be an indicator of your success for the rest of the school year. Your first days of school can either make or break you to be an effective teacher.
It is relevant to my present course because I was able to learn about these four stages of teaching. These topics helps me to be ready when I am already a teacher. It prepares me on how to be an effective teacher for the school year. You will have an idea on how to be an effective teacher. As a professional, I am able to learn the different stages of teaching where in some of the professionals are really doing it. And as a professional, to be an effective teacher you should be effective in the first day of school. As what you have learned, you can practice now how to be an effective teacher. For my personal growth, I can participate from the first days of school until the school year ends. To be an effective teacher, you must first be an effective student.
I can use it when I am already teaching, it can be a guide to me on how to be effective. Also, i will not forget the word consistency and will apply it to myself when teaching.
It is about consistency. It is the most important thing to establish in the first day of school. Students don't want disorganization, if the first day of school is a well managed class then it should be a well managed class for the rest of the school year.
We are all still learning about the field and it's good to acquire ideas like this.